2016年07月14日(木) 努力と忍耐力、「土星」を想う
天王星ウラコ: こんにちは。目に見える星のラジオのお時間です。ジュピとウラコでお届けします。
木星ジュピ: 今回もリスナーからお便りが届いております。「ウラコさん、ジュピさん、こんにちは。偶然見たあるサイトには、努力や忍耐力は良くない、
ウラコ: 努力や忍耐力という言葉から、
ジュピ: ありますね。例えば、大学の単位を取るための試験勉強が忍耐でしたね。勉強中はしんどいのですが、試験など忍耐が必要なことをした後、すごくスッキリして気持ちがいいんですよ。ジョギングなどで長時間走り続けるとドーパミンなどの物質が脳内に増加するように、勉強も同様に、脳内に快楽物質が増加する感覚がありますね。ちょっと極端かもしれませんが、覚せい剤とか社会的違法のものを脳が欲しがるよりも、努力や忍耐力が必要なことに脳が快楽を覚えることのほうが良いかと思います。
ウラコ: そうですね。その価値観もありだと思います。
Thinking of “Saturn” through efforts and perseverance.
Ms. Uranus: Hi, I’m Urako Uranus. It’s the time for Visible Stars. With two radio personalities, Ms. Jupiter and me, let’s get started with our program!
Ms. Jupiter: We received a postcard from one of our radio listeners: Hello, Ms. Uranus and Ms. Jupiter! I read incidentally a certain website that says it’s not good to make efforts and to be patient. Thereby, I’d like to hear your opinion with some relevant astrological symbols.
Ms. Uranus: I immediately conjure an astrological symbol of Saturn from those words. Have you ever had an experience which required your great efforts and patience in your life?
Ms. Jupiter: Yes, I have. For example, great patience was required as I studied for exams to get credits in my university. Of course, studying time was quite tough, but I felt extremely good and refreshed in my mind after I accomplished something such as taking exams that required patience. If you jog for a long period of time, chemicals (e.g. dopamine ) in your brain are released and increased. Similarly, I feel some release of intoxicating chemicals in my brain as I study hard and concentrate on something. It may sound extreme, but we would be better off remembering that our brain feels good if it needs efforts and patience, rather than getting stimulated by drugs and/or socially illegal stuff.
Ms. Uranus: I see. I reckon your value has no problem at all.