

Those celestial planets represent various messages to us. The dominant theory is that crabs and corals lay eggs all together under a full moon. Human beings as well as plants and animals are affected by the phases of the moon. While realizing the power of planets of not only Moon but also Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and *Pluto let’s find out clues to spend this week in a wonderful mood.

*In general, Pluto is considered as a minor planet but as an astrological symbol it is still deemed to be one of the significant planets of the solar system.


* 一般的に冥王星は小惑星と認識されていますが、占星術の象徴では、冥王星は重要な天体なので、太陽系の惑星として捉えております。


August 23, Sun enters Virgo(until September 22), suggesting that “craftspeople”(Virgo) will be full of energy provided by “players”(Leo).  The ruler of both Gemini and Virgo is Mercury.  Although Gemini collects all kinds of information indiscriminately, Virgo discriminates effective one from another.  Thought from another side, symbolically Virgo is more similar to Capricorn (the ruler of Saturn) than Gemini.  Virgo and Capricorn(Saturn) are related to those words: discrimination, discipline, responsibility and tradition.  This week transiting Mars conjunction Saturn in Sagittarious at nine degrees suggests that people will be more likely to have a desire to train their muscles or lose their weight and fat.  How can you make it happen to you?  The trick is to accustom yourself to exercise and diet restriction through managing your time well.  On the other hand, it suggests that people tend to collide with elders and betters, prone to break your bones, or being plagued by headaches.  It’s important for you to act with more cautious and rational attitude than usual.   Let’s rejuvenate your heart and begin with new hopes this week, too!

8月23日(~9月22日)、太陽は獅子座から乙女座に移行し、プレーヤー(獅子座)から職人(乙女座)のエネルギーが充満することが示唆されます。双子座と乙女座の支配星は水星です。双子座は見境なく様々な情報を集めますが、乙女座の場合、どれが効果的なのか識別します。ある側面で考えると、乙女座は支配星が土星の山羊座と象徴が似ています。 乙女座も山羊座(土星)も、識別、秩序、責任、伝統という言葉に関連します。 今週は射手座9度で火星と土星がコンジャンクションのアスペクトを形成し、筋肉を鍛えたい、もしくは体重や脂肪を減らしたいという人々の意識が高まりやすいことが示唆されます。どうすれば、そうなれるのでしょうか。時間を上手に管理して運動や食事制限を習慣づけることがキーポイントです。一方では、頭痛に悩まされたり、骨折や目上の人との衝突しやすいことも提示されます。普段以上に冷静で慎重な行動をとることが重要です。今週も心の快活さを取り戻し、再び希望を持ち始めましょう。


[Thinking of “Mars conjunction Saturn” through dried small sardines and peanuts.]

I eat peanuts as alternated snacks most days of the week.
I like that kind of hard texture of the foods.
I should also try eating dried small sardines as alternated snacks in order to get enough calcium.
May we spend our healthy lives while caring for the conditions of our mind.





[Astrological Memos]

Aug 22 (Mon):  Moon (Aries 11°- 26°), Mercury conjunction Jupiter(Virgo 26°13′)
Aug 23 (Tue):  Moon (Aries 26°- Taurus 10°), Sun enters Virgo(until September 22)
Aug 24 (Wed):  Moon (Taurus 10°- 24°), Mars conjunction Saturn(Sagittarious 9°52′)
Aug 25 (Thu):  Moon (Taurus 24°- Gemini 9°), Last Quarter Moon at 2°22′Gemini
Aug 26 (Fri):  Moon (Gemini 9°- 23°), Mars square Neptune(Sagittarious-Pisces 10°49′)
Aug 27 (Sat):  Moon (Gemini 23°- Cancer 6°)
Aug 28 (Sun):  Moon (Cancer 6°- 20°), Venus conjunction Jupiter(Virgo- 27°21′)


8/22 (月): 月(牡羊座11度~26度)、水星0木星(乙女座 26度13分)
8/23(火): 月(牡羊座26度~牡牛座10度)、太陽は乙女座へ移行(~9月22日)
8/24(水): 月(牡牛座10度~24度)、火星0土星(射手座 9度52分)
8/25(木): 月(牡牛座24度~双子座9度)、下弦の月(双子座 2度22分)
8/26(金): 月(双子座9度~23度)、火星90海王星(射手座-魚座 10度49分)
8/27(土): 月(双子座23度~蟹座6度)
8/28(日): 月(蟹座6度~20度)、金星0木星(乙女座 27度21分)